Struggling with pregnancy or postpartum changes?

Mother patting the back of her child while holding her

You’re not alone. As a licensed therapist, I can help you navigate emotional shifts, address mental health concerns, and provide coping strategies to manage stress, anxiety, or depression during the perinatal period. There is hope!

We are conditioned to think that the journey to motherhood should be an intuitive and happy experience. However, the reality is that pregnancy and motherhood are often a very challenging time in one’s life.

It’s normal to feel off.

Outline of a lavender sprig

1 in 5 women experience perinatal depression and anxiety, along with an array of other perinatal mood disorders. The perinatal period is a time of big emotions, but you don’t have to navigate them alone.

You’re not alone.

Field of green plants with sunshine in the background

Perinatal Counseling can support you through:

  • Postpartum depression & anxiety

  • Transitioning to motherhood

  • Miscarriage/pregnancy loss

  • Stress of pregnancy/parenting on relationships

  • Infertility

  • Not feeling like yourself/baby blues

Recognizing that healing is not a one-size-fits-all experience, I tailor my approach to focus on your unique needs in each session. I provide a safe place for you to feel supported and empowered.

Expecting mother and father holding a pair of newborn shoes

Get prepared for your new bundle of joy.

Receive ongoing counseling with your partner throughout your pregnancy so you can both be on the same page before the baby comes. Once the baby arrives, there will be new stress, differing expectations, sleep deprivation, and changing needs. As a couple, you can learn how to be a team and support each other before the chaos begins, setting yourselves up for success.


“Expecting to Empowered”
Prenatal Class

An educational group empowering women to thrive in the transition from bump to baby.

Pregnant mother posing by holding her stomach
    • Learn the signs of baby blues & postpartum mood disorders to protect your mental health

    • Identity your needs & priorities during the newborn phase

    • Collect & record sources of support

    • Nurture yourself through goal-setting & relaxation exercises

    • Explore boundaries - saying ‘no’ is okay!

    • Begin using strategies that enhance cooperation from your spouse and extended family

    • The class will meet virtually once a week for 6-8 weeks

    • The facilitator will work with group members to find a time that accommodates most

    • Program will begin once participation reaches capacity

  • $35/per session

Think you may be experiencing postpartum depression?

Take this interactive quiz from The Edinburgh Post Natal Depression Scale (EPDS) and send your results to me! I’d love to hear how you are doing and see how I can help get you through those challenging feelings.

Please note: The EPDS is only a screening tool. It does not diagnose depression. Diagnosis can only be done by a licensed healthcare professional. If you feel that you might be suffering from perinatal depression, it could be helpful to complete this interactive quiz and share the results with your health care provider.